El CIRCUITO LÚDICO-TERMAL ACQUAFORM PERMANECERÁ ABIERTO: LUNES A DOMINGO: 10:00 -13:30 Y DE 16:00-21:30 HORAS*** RECOMENDAMOS LA COMPRA ONLINE DE LAS ENTRADAS AL ACQUAFORM, PARA GARANTIZARSE EL ACCESO A LAS INSTALACIONES *** La piscina exterior permanecerá cerrada un día al mes, por labores de mantenimiento.La instalación permanecerá cerrada el último lunes de cada mes, por labores de mantenimiento.Para más información, contacten con la instalación.

Our Waters

“Termas de Cuntis” water is a special mineromedicinal one due to its pprivileged physical, chemical and biological composition (sulphurous, sodium and hyper thermal, with strong mineralization). Its use is based on the stimulation of the entire organism by means of thermal, mechanic and chemical actions. It is used and recommended in the treatment of several diseases by its content in sulphides, sulphates, sodium, carbonic anhydride, silica, fluor, calcium, magnesium and other:
  • Reumatic diseases: Degenerative rheumatisms (osteoarthritis), inflammatory rheumatism (rheumatic arthritis), joint rheumatism (sciatica, neuralgia, muscular pain, etc.)
  • Respiratory infections: : bronchitis prevention, colds, sinusitis, rhinitis, etc.
  • Skin diseases psoriasis, lichen, dermatitis and other.
  • Metabolic alterations: obesity, excess of weight.
  • Rehabilitation: recovery of post-traumatic conditions, sportive injuries, etc
  • Psychological and nervous diseases: emotional stress, insomnia, physical and intellectual exhaustion, etc.

Welcome to Reina

Step into a true oasis of digital beauty we devised for your new beauty center, resort or spa website.

Monday to Friday 09:00 - 20:00 hrs
Saturday 09:00 - 18:00 hrs
Sunday 09:00 - 18:00 hrs